
Showing posts from March, 2009

In Your Presence

In Your presence, there is peace past and pain and tears cease joy comes with the morning breeze, in Your presence In Your presence, life is found everlasting hope abounds and a sinner turns around, in Your presence In Your presence, shackles fall children conquer fortress wall blood of Jesus washes all, in Your presence In Your presence, Spirit brings, shout of thanks and praises rings bride with the heaven sings, in Your presence In Your presence, all is calm painful memories bring no harm I am held in Savior’s arm, in Your presence [written: 21/08/07]

Faith will Follow

The scripture says – Pick up the shield of faith. I respond, Yes, Lord. But then when the enemy attacks, I seem to have trouble remembering where I kept it after the last time I picked it up. Then, a voice inside my head reminds me – oh no! It is impossible to please God without faith. Result? Panic. Frustration. Hopelessness. Disappointment. Discouragement. Disillusion. And more – all the burning arrows of the enemy, right on target. Why is it so difficult to pick up the shield just when it is needed most? Faith is supposed to be courageous in the face of fear. Then, why does it become so elusive at the time of need? This takes me down the thinking lane. Remember, when Jesus healed the sick, cleansed the leper, forgive sins? He said – Your faith has healed you or Your faith has saved you – but don’t we all know and believe that it was Jesus who healed, cleansed, forgave or saved? Then why did He keep crediting the faith of the person with the work He did? No, Jesus was not lying and n...

Faith Nugget: Be a Channel; not a Dead-end

The farmer has a very interesting way for ensuring that water reaches all parts of his field – he creates irrigation channels. The water flows from the main source into the channel and through it to its tributaries and to every part of the farm so that no part remains unreached. The farmer knows that if the water does not reach a certain part of the field, not only does it impact the harvest, but the ground becomes dry and unproductive. He knows how great a blessing is water to his fields and uses every drop to enrich the soil so that his crop benefits. If the farmer were to stop the water, or if the channel is clogged, it becomes a dead end. The LORD has sent us blessings beyond number and beyond compare. However, the talk of sharing our blessings with others is generally limited to sharing money, food, clothes, necessities, medicines, etc. I wonder why! There are so many more ways a child of God could share a blessing with others. If the Lord has given me forgiveness, it is my part t...

Jesus, My Lord

Lord, you are my Helper Lord, You are my King Lord, You are the Master over me and everything Lord, You are my Shepherd You lay Your life for me Lord, You are my Savior You're He who makes me free Lord, You are my Healer all my ills are cleansed in You Lord, You are my Keeper my Rock, I lean on You Lord, Your name is Jesus above everything is Your word Holy and so precious and mighty as a sword [written: 12/04/07]

Manna Wafers: Be Known By God

21: Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heave n; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23: And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:21-23 This is written of those who hear what Jesus says but pay no heed to them. My heart asked that how was it that those who cast out devils in His name were not known by Him - Him, who knows us all. There are those of us who have been impressed by wonders and miracles of the Lord, more than anything else. Although, the miracles performed by Jesus are too marvelous to be ignored, and they must not be. It was never the intent of our Lord that miracles should be hidden or not glorified. It is the joy of the Father that his children should know Him for Him, and not for His...

All in All

At Your feet, I bow my head For You Jesus are the Holy Bread To You I come by Your Spirit led and in Your path I faithfully tread Jesus, You're my All in all You're my shelter, You're my call I come to You and surrender all Jesus, take charge of me Jesus, You are a glorious name more than riches more than fame I am a sinner but just the same You loved me and for me You came Jesus, Jesus, Lamb of God Jesus, You're the LORD of lords [written: 10/04/07]

Misery Conquered!!

Catch 'em Unawares!! Misery closes our minds, blinds us and deafens our ears with too much noise in our heads. It is especially capable, with these tools, to eventually shut the door of our hearts. Here's a neat technique: Go into a quiet room with Misery and lock yourself in with it. Then, with no prior warning, drop on your knees and call upon the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Beloved. He'll come. (obviously!) Then, introduce Misery to Jesus Christ. Let Jesus deal with Misery. Now, for the very important part - you just need to sit back and rest Your Lord Jesus Christ does not need any help dealing with anything, but He sure appreciates you singing some praises. Believe me, your singing praises can distract even your worst enemy from doing his job. The accusator would have just one cause against you - that you sprang a stronger Ally on him and when he was only trying to fight and do his job, your singing distracted him.

All Will Be Well ...

God will answer my prayers my hopes will not be in vain He will wipe away my tears and take away my pain His faithfulness is everlasting unlike the promises of men so lets make Him our foundation and choose to trust in Him He will give me back my lost days I will see better days yet my hopes will all be fulfilled my needs will all be met He makes grand plans for me and though I do not see my God sees everything all will be well for me [written: January 2007]

Fruit of God vs. Disobedience

A few days back, I was driving home from outing on a very hot Saturday. The summer is close and the temperatures are rising. There was a traffic jam and I was sweating in my car, slowly trudging along. At one point, my car rested a few minutes in the shade of a huge tree and I did not want to get out of that place in a hurry. It struck me and I was thankful that God in His infinite wisdom placed that tree over there just for me on this hot sweltering day so I could get a few minutes of rest under its canopy. (Of course, there were several people around me and God was aiming that tree for the benefit of us all, but you know, it feels good when you know He did something especially with 'me' in mind!) God's infinite wisdom must be trusted. When He places even a tree, it has a purpose. Some time or the other, we all have lamented, or at least wondered that why on earth Father God needed to place the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. If the tree was ...

Come Away With Me to a Quiet Place

When you are tired, when you're lost When friends fall away and are gone When no one seems to understand When you find that you stand alone When you long for someone to hear Someone who feels, someone who cares Someone who sees and understands Someone who knows, someone who shares Then Jesus comes and gently says Come away with Me to a quiet place Leave all behind! Come away, My child Come away with Me to a quiet place I will refresh, I will revive Your hopes, your strength, even your life Fresh water for you to drink and clean all filth and sins and wounds and stains Eternal Bread that does restore Your body and mind, your heart and soul I'll give you rest and give you peace I'll take your burden, put you at ease We'll sit together and talk and pray You'll find in Me the One who cares The One who sees and understands The One who loves you, the One who shares I come to you and gently say Come away with Me to a quiet place Leave all behind! Come away, My child Come ...

Random Crumbs

These are tasty Crumbs from the Father ... This post is a living work in progress - just like I am my Father's work in progress ************************************************************************************ Narrow Road [15/12/08] If you have fewer options by the day, single direction for proceeding, higher chances ofslipping or making wrong turns, less space than needed for two feet alongside, your progress is slow, tiresome, and tedious, yet you are joyful, happy, and on the go (even tho slow) - Congratulations!! Narrow is the road that goes to Heaven. Floods are coming? [22/02/09] Water is a great leveller. My God is God of all [20/3/08] The God we serve is the God of Now.. He is I AM (not I was :)) expect the miracle for you today :) The Great I AM He is I AM :) He IS my Healer He IS my Father He IS my God He IS my Savior He IS my Counselor He IS my Rescuer He IS mine :)) Something good will happen to me today, because Jesus of Nazareth is passing my way! God Reveals Himse...

From Need-based to Love-based

A newborn depends on its mother for its need; it is a need-based relationship for the infant though the mother's love is undeniable. It is only when that infant begins recognizing the mother's ever-continuous presence and the security and care thereof, that the infant grows into an emotional relationship. So it is with every believer's life: in infancy, the believer comes to God for the need - need of security, care, blessings - though His love is unquestionable. It is only when that infant believer begins recognizing the Lord's ever-continuous presence and the security and care thereof, that the believer's relationship becomes an emotional affair with the Father. [written: 23/12/2008]

Problems are Opportunities

When God is with me, the problems that come to harm me or destroy me, go away blessing me. The problems become opportunities for God to bless me. This is because of God alone. It is written that when God favours someone, his enemies shake his hand. The problems that were my enemies, shook my hand and opened the door for God to bless me. It happened with Israel, God's favored people, when Balaam, sent by Balak to curse them, ended up speaking blessings over them. He may have been a big problem, but God's favor for His people is bigger-much bigger. When a problem dare confront, oppose, or intends to harm us then my loving Father, takes it up as a personal issue - He makes it His personal fight. He, who is the Almighty Most High King, does not allow any problem to harm me. He subdues that problem and orders it to bless me instead. Problems, unable to disobey the Most High King , become His slaves and open the door for a blessing to come through to us, before it is banished foreve...

The Year Letter 2005 that never was completed ...

There are times when you hear the words 'God is good' and agree wholeheartedly. Then, there are times when you experience how good God really is. At such times you begin to understand that you will probably never understand how good God is; that even though His goodness is beyond your understanding, it is never beyond your reach. The year 2005 was an amazing eye-opener to God's goodness. I heard the song God is good, loved it and sang it. As the year rolled by, I began to see and acknowledge His goodness in my life. What is awesome is that He has incredible ways of showing His goodness - from where you most expect to see it to where you absolutely do not expect to see anything. Now when I look back, it looks like a carefully planned fairy tale that talks about such things that are heard of only in stories or things that happened with a few 'selected others'. It comes as a big surprise when you become the 'selected other' who has something as wonderful as G...

Manna Wafers: In Thankfulness

In Thankfulness - Give as you have been given 19 You might be gathering your harvest in the field, and you might forget and leave some grain there. You must not go back to get it. It will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows. If you leave some grain for them, then the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. 20 When you beat your olive trees, you must not go back to check the branches. The olives you leave will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows. 21 When you gather the grapes from your vineyard, you must not go back to gather the grapes you left. Those grapes will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows. 22 Remember you were poor slaves in Egypt. That is why I tell you to do these things for poor people. Duet. 24:19-22 Whatever you have left after your needs are met, leave it for the helpless and needy -not only for sharing with needy or for doing your part of the charity, but in thankfulness and remembrance of the God who came down fr...

Recognizing the Work of God

Have you heard the story of Job? You must've, I'm sure. You also must've noticed that when he was quiet and listening to his friends, he heard all sorts of reasoning and rationale his friends came up with to show him the cause of his troubles. Our lives, at many times, is not very different in this circumstance. While we may be going thru suffering and pain, there would be those around us saying that we may be so terribly in the wrong to be facing such situations. There would be those judging in their hearts (and by their mouths) that this is God's punsihment for our such-and-such action. And then there would be those, who would try to comfort us by saying that we shouldn't worry, and God was trying to teach us something. Troubles are inescapable. Even the most devoted followers of God Almighty are not spared, and they even more bear the cross. It's no surprise if trouble comes calling at our doors; it is a part of life on earth - the more important thing is who...

God-sent calamity? No, tender mercy drops

There are times when, one way or another, the enemy of our soul enters our life and starts his work of constant destruction. Our perception of his presence may not occur till he has successfully erected the tools of destruction in our lives - small lies, small wrong decisions showing patterns of priority changes, bad habits, unhealthy company, laziness showing an unwillingness to leave comfort zone to take up the cross, impatience, deceit, pride, etc.,- are small unwise beginnings that lead to that great chasm of death. The LORD sends us protection and His wingspan is all-sufficient for keeping us covered. However, with little coaxing of the enemy - that luring, tempting voice in Eden still follows us - we give up the blessing of His protection and follow our own vile heart and desires. Yet, the merciful LORD does not lead an angry army against us. He sees that we are only dust. It is our own vile choices that open our doors to the enemy's stealthy trojan horse which works against ...

God does not choose sides between people

No! It’s us who must choose to be on God’s side. The angel of the Lord that Joshua saw did not fight for Joshua. He merely said that as the Commander of the Army of God, He had come. It was up to Joshua to decide whether he would follow the Angel of God. The Angel would not follow Joshua’s orders; His orders were from God and God was controlling the entire situation. When we ask someone’s help, we must listen to what the person suggests and do what they say. We cannot have advice and help from a higher source and have our way as well. When we ask God’s help, He comes. Now, it is up to us to choose to follow Him. He would never leave us or forsake us. But, as Joshua understood, there was no point in going on in a way where God’s presence would not go before us. Jesus would follow me to hell and back; but it is better that when He is here, I follow Him.

Don’t say to men what you should say to God; Don’t say to God what you should say to men!

We often say prayers in public, or prayer meetings that we want people to hear. Some hilarious examples include: ‘Lord, we should be thankful to you’ meant for the people whom the person praying thinks need to be thankful; or ‘Lord, thank you for blessing me with a good voice and singing ability and I pray that I could use it to praise you’ meant to hint at a chance to sing at a concert, or ‘Lord, thank you ever so much for granting us good jobs and good salaries, that even though we burdened by expenses you always provide just enough’ meant to say that I may earn real well, but please do not embarrass me by asking for a donation. God must respond with - ‘I know My child that you should be thankful, and I’m glad you know it too. I’ll just be happier if you were actually thankful too.’ He must wonder if His beloved child was praying to His heavenly Father or to the people. It may yield a better result if it were delivered to the right party. Then, there are those things that ought to...

Freedom of God

The Lord has freed us for freedom. Where there is the Spirit of God, there is freedom. Freedom from God – so what can I do with it? How can I use it? I’m still not free from my troubles, my problems, my issues, my tensions and my worries. Where is my freedom? I know I am a child of God and I own that freedom; it is my right in Christ. The Lord never said that our problems would go away if we followed Him. The Bible states that the righteous man has many troubles, but God frees him from them all. God Holy Spirit does bring freedom – freedom to follow God, freedom to choose to not fall into sin, freedom to not bow down to pressures, freedom to resist the devil making him flee from you, freedom to fight, freedom to win. The freedom of God is the freedom to choose. Imagine the condition of a man before Jesus Christ steps into his life as a Savior. He has problems but no freedom to fight them; he has tensions, but no comfort; he has pressures, but no relief; and what’s more, he does not hav...