Misery Conquered!!

Catch 'em Unawares!!

Misery closes our minds, blinds us and deafens our ears with too much noise in our heads. It is especially capable, with these tools, to eventually shut the door of our hearts.

Here's a neat technique:
  • Go into a quiet room with Misery and lock yourself in with it.

  • Then, with no prior warning, drop on your knees and call upon the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and our Beloved.

  • He'll come. (obviously!)

  • Then, introduce Misery to Jesus Christ.

  • Let Jesus deal with Misery.

  • Now, for the very important part - you just need to sit back and rest

  • Your Lord Jesus Christ does not need any help dealing with anything, but He sure appreciates you singing some praises. Believe me, your singing praises can distract even your worst enemy from doing his job.

The accusator would have just one cause against you - that you sprang a stronger Ally on him and when he was only trying to fight and do his job, your singing distracted him.


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