Test of Fire? Testify!

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! He is our ever-present fortress!

It is true that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had displayed great faith in the LORD in the king’s court. They had themselves embraced the sentence for them to be thrown into fire.

Seven times hotter!

They were bound and with their clothes and turbans, they were flung into the fire. Dan.3:22 states that the strongest men of the king’s army who bound and threw the trio were engulfed in flames and were killed, because the fire was seven times hotter, according to the king’s order.

However, just two verses later, the king ‘jumped up’ ‘astounded’ that his captives were not only unbound, but were walking in the fire!

The men of faith did not cease to keep their faith in the midst of fire, seven times hotter.

Many of us proclaim our faith when things are going good, but just as many do not know how they will react when the actual time of displaying and walking in faith comes upon them. It is not uncommon that many who proclaim their faith in good times, often weaken during fiery trials.

Bonds broken!

The grace of God broke the bonds of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. However, if after seeing fire, they cowered under its flames, the testimony of faith would be there today. When they found their bonds broken, they did not remain thrown on the ground, they got up and walked!

When we cry out in faith, the Lord hears and breaks our bonds, even in the midst of our trials. However, most of the time, we keep waiting for the fire to die down before we stand up. The Lord expects us to believe when we cry in prayer that He would respond and help us. But that doesn’t end there. He also expects us to know that He’s freed us and that we should be walking around.

Birds of a feather …

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown together into the fire. After discovering that their bonds were loosened, had they remained where they were thrown, they’d have never discovered the others who were in the fire with them. So happy they must have been to find themselves free, that they walked around the fire, not caring about the flames, to find the others.

That is what the church must do today! When you find yourself in fire and the Lord loosens your bonds, it is imperative to walk around. It not only is a testimony of freedom; it helps you find others in the same fire, dealing with the same issues. It is so encouraging to find one another like oneself, still in fire, but free and together.

Be the testimony!

God’s unlimited power was available to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the midst of the fire. They walked around, testifying without words! Their testimony spoke of the great works the Lord God had performed on their behalf, backing up His people. They knew His presence by His power freeing them and enabling them to walk. They were a living and walking testimony that stands till today!

Whether you see Jesus or not, He’s there in the fire, with you. And, He’s not going till He’s given you victory over it. He is there, backing up His people, performing on their behalf great works and winning mighty battles. And those who have the joy of faith, know His presence. Let us not cower under trials, but realize that bonds are broken by His precious blood, and walk about. Let us be a living testimony for Him who died to redeem us!

Enemy sees!

The Scripture does not record whether Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego saw the fourth form in the fire or not. They probably did not see the Son of God in the fire with them, though they knew His power. However, the king saw and his counselors saw! He had to let them get out of the fire, as his sentence was ruled out by a Higher Sentence.

Yes! You may not see Jesus in your fire today, but your enemy knows He’s there. Beware, lest he lies to you that Jesus would not hear you; because not only hears you, He’s there with you. The enemy is bewildered when the fire fails to harm you. The enemy is frustrated when his plans fail. The enemy has to accept defeat when the Son of God passes a sentence of Life for you, when he had made all attempts to destroy you.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walked out of fire unharmed, even their clothes did not smell of the smoke.

Yes. When it’s time for you to walk out of the fire, you will be unharmed, and even the stench of smoke would not be on you!


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