Faith Nugget: Be a Channel; not a Dead-end

The farmer has a very interesting way for ensuring that water reaches all parts of his field – he creates irrigation channels. The water flows from the main source into the channel and through it to its tributaries and to every part of the farm so that no part remains unreached.

The farmer knows that if the water does not reach a certain part of the field, not only does it impact the harvest, but the ground becomes dry and unproductive. He knows how great a blessing is water to his fields and uses every drop to enrich the soil so that his crop benefits. If the farmer were to stop the water, or if the channel is clogged, it becomes a dead end.

The LORD has sent us blessings beyond number and beyond compare. However, the talk of sharing our blessings with others is generally limited to sharing money, food, clothes, necessities, medicines, etc.

I wonder why! There are so many more ways a child of God could share a blessing with others.
If the Lord has given me forgiveness, it is my part to share the gift with others and forgive them.
If the Lord has given me peace, it is my part to share and bring God’s peace into the lives that need it.
If the Lord has given me love, it is my part to love everyone around me.
The Lord has accepted me as I am, I need to accept everyone and do my part.
When the Lord has had patience with me, yes, I must have patience with others (and with myself as well).
When my Lord is longsuffering, so should I.

When I do all these things in the love of Jesus Christ, in thankfulness for what He’s done, the Lord performs a greater miracle. Instead of only giving me blessings, He makes me a blessing.

The channel through me must ensure enrichment of every part of the field of God that I can reach. Every drop of blessing given by my Father is for the greater benefit of the harvest. If I were to keep God's love, peace, forgiveness just to myself, I'd be a dead-end.

Dear Father God, I pray that by Your love make me a channel, and not a dead end for your blessings.


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