Manna Wafers: Be Known By God
21: Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heave
n; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23: And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:21-23
This is written of those who hear what Jesus says but pay no heed to them.
My heart asked that how was it that those who cast out devils in His name were not known by Him - Him, who knows us all.
There are those of us who have been impressed by wonders and miracles of the Lord, more than anything else. Although, the miracles performed by Jesus are too marvelous to be ignored, and they must not be. It was never the intent of our Lord that miracles should be hidden or not glorified.
It is the joy of the Father that his children should know Him for Him, and not for His miracles alone. It is the joy of our God that we love Him and honor Him for who He is, and not only for the things He's done. The person of Jesus Christ is greater than all the things He did. In fact, He did those things, and was able to complete them, because of His person, His character.
God's Holy Spirit must not be revered solely for the many miracles He performs, or for the spiritual gifts He bestows, or for the 'feelings' that arise when He is around. The dear Holy Spirit is the love of Jesus sent to us.
No one likes being wanted only for the gifts that they can bestow on others, least of all God. It must hurt our Father when we are so self-centered, and want Him around only when we want something of Him. Father God has always wanted His children to love Him for who He is, and He must be; if anyone deserves that, it’s Him alone.
When as a believer, we ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit, He bestows His gifts on us according to His will. This, however, hardly means that we're close to Him. Just because one receives a gift from the Holy Spirit, does not mean that one is close to Him - do not be deceived. It does not mean that we have really opened our hearts completely to Jesus to let Him take over as He should.
He is much greater than the gifts - He IS the greatest gift Himself. Holy Spirit must be loved for the very heart of the Father comes through to us from Him. He’s wonderful and awesome.
Jesus calls us to a friendship with Him. Gifts are only that - gifts; spiritually much desirable and exceedingly blessed - but gifts. If the President sends us a gift because He desired to or because we asked for it, shows only one thing - the generosity of the President; not our worthiness or our friendship with the President.
Jesus must be known like He is, loved for Himself, and trusted beyond everything.
The one who asked for a gift, got the gift; but really, blessed is he who asked for friendship with Jesus, who asked for Jesus Himself and got it. Those are the ones who have known Jesus and who have been known by Him.
Do not be deceived. What you ask is what you get. If you ask for the gift, then gift is what you get. Do not be satisfied with receiving the gifts only; for your Father in heaven would not be satisfied with it either. Jesus said that we have not asked that of Him which will give us true joy. Go on then, ask for the greatest gift - ask for God Holy Spirit, ask for Jesus Christ, ask for Father God. That is true salvation and joy beyond all joys!!
Do not be despaired if you have a gift but do not feel the presence of God in your life. All you need to do is handover yourself and your gifts to Jesus and be known by Him. Jesus says He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. You are His sheep; know and be known by your Shepherd.

22: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23: And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:21-23
This is written of those who hear what Jesus says but pay no heed to them.
My heart asked that how was it that those who cast out devils in His name were not known by Him - Him, who knows us all.
There are those of us who have been impressed by wonders and miracles of the Lord, more than anything else. Although, the miracles performed by Jesus are too marvelous to be ignored, and they must not be. It was never the intent of our Lord that miracles should be hidden or not glorified.
It is the joy of the Father that his children should know Him for Him, and not for His miracles alone. It is the joy of our God that we love Him and honor Him for who He is, and not only for the things He's done. The person of Jesus Christ is greater than all the things He did. In fact, He did those things, and was able to complete them, because of His person, His character.
God's Holy Spirit must not be revered solely for the many miracles He performs, or for the spiritual gifts He bestows, or for the 'feelings' that arise when He is around. The dear Holy Spirit is the love of Jesus sent to us.
No one likes being wanted only for the gifts that they can bestow on others, least of all God. It must hurt our Father when we are so self-centered, and want Him around only when we want something of Him. Father God has always wanted His children to love Him for who He is, and He must be; if anyone deserves that, it’s Him alone.
When as a believer, we ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit, He bestows His gifts on us according to His will. This, however, hardly means that we're close to Him. Just because one receives a gift from the Holy Spirit, does not mean that one is close to Him - do not be deceived. It does not mean that we have really opened our hearts completely to Jesus to let Him take over as He should.
He is much greater than the gifts - He IS the greatest gift Himself. Holy Spirit must be loved for the very heart of the Father comes through to us from Him. He’s wonderful and awesome.
Jesus calls us to a friendship with Him. Gifts are only that - gifts; spiritually much desirable and exceedingly blessed - but gifts. If the President sends us a gift because He desired to or because we asked for it, shows only one thing - the generosity of the President; not our worthiness or our friendship with the President.
Jesus must be known like He is, loved for Himself, and trusted beyond everything.
The one who asked for a gift, got the gift; but really, blessed is he who asked for friendship with Jesus, who asked for Jesus Himself and got it. Those are the ones who have known Jesus and who have been known by Him.
Do not be deceived. What you ask is what you get. If you ask for the gift, then gift is what you get. Do not be satisfied with receiving the gifts only; for your Father in heaven would not be satisfied with it either. Jesus said that we have not asked that of Him which will give us true joy. Go on then, ask for the greatest gift - ask for God Holy Spirit, ask for Jesus Christ, ask for Father God. That is true salvation and joy beyond all joys!!
Do not be despaired if you have a gift but do not feel the presence of God in your life. All you need to do is handover yourself and your gifts to Jesus and be known by Him. Jesus says He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. You are His sheep; know and be known by your Shepherd.
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