Problems are Opportunities

When God is with me, the problems that come to harm me or destroy me, go away blessing me.
The problems become opportunities for God to bless me. This is because of God alone.

It is written that when God favours someone, his enemies shake his hand. The problems that were my enemies, shook my hand and opened the door for God to bless me.

It happened with Israel, God's favored people, when Balaam, sent by Balak to curse them, ended up speaking blessings over them. He may have been a big problem, but God's favor for His people is bigger-much bigger.

When a problem dare confront, oppose, or intends to harm us then my loving Father, takes it up as a personal issue - He makes it His personal fight. He, who is the Almighty Most High King, does not allow any problem to harm me. He subdues that problem and orders it to bless me instead.

Problems, unable to disobey the Most High King , become His slaves and open the door for a blessing to come through to us, before it is banished forever away from us. This is the problem's punishment for daring to bother the Father's beloved child.

Why then should I not laugh when a problem comes my way? Did my God, my Father not see it coming - He who never sleeps nor slumbers only because He loves to watch me always, because He'd rather keep watch on me than on all the beautiful things He created?

I laugh for my Father saw it coming and I know what this poor problem is in for. The problem does not probably realize what's in store for it. My God will make it bless me and banish it forever.

I must understand this; God will not allow that problem to leave unless it has blessed me. This is to teach me that I needn't be afraid of the problem or the opportunity it brings. For my Father wouldn't ever harm me; He'd rather die on the cross Himself.

Let me then trust Him forever with all my heart and soul and senses and all. Let me never insult His love by disbelieving Him and disobeying Him. Let me love Him like He deserves to be loved and cherished.

When someone like Balaam, something like a problem, dare not disobey Him or make trifle His purpose, would I, His beloved daughter, not obey Him?

Only that we trust and obey, and our Father will crush the enemy under our feet.

Lord, help me never doubt You. Help me Jesus to be what You want me to be. Give me the grace and strength to be as you like - to live to know You, love You, obey You and worship You. In Jesus ' name, Amen.

[written: 30/11/08]


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