Come Away With Me to a Quiet Place

When you are tired, when you're lost
When friends fall away and are gone
When no one seems to understand
When you find that you stand alone

When you long for someone to hear
Someone who feels, someone who cares
Someone who sees and understands
Someone who knows, someone who shares

Then Jesus comes and gently says
Come away with Me to a quiet place
Leave all behind! Come away, My child
Come away with Me to a quiet place

I will refresh, I will revive
Your hopes, your strength, even your life
Fresh water for you to drink and clean
all filth and sins and wounds and stains

Eternal Bread that does restore
Your body and mind, your heart and soul
I'll give you rest and give you peace
I'll take your burden, put you at ease

We'll sit together and talk and pray
You'll find in Me the One who cares
The One who sees and understands
The One who loves you, the One who shares

I come to you and gently say
Come away with Me to a quiet place
Leave all behind! Come away, My child
Come away with Me to a quiet place

[written: 9/12/07]


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