Freedom of God

The Lord has freed us for freedom.
Where there is the Spirit of God, there is freedom.

Freedom from God – so what can I do with it? How can I use it? I’m still not free from my troubles, my problems, my issues, my tensions and my worries. Where is my freedom? I know I am a child of God and I own that freedom; it is my right in Christ.
The Lord never said that our problems would go away if we followed Him. The Bible states that the righteous man has many troubles, but God frees him from them all.

God Holy Spirit does bring freedom – freedom to follow God, freedom to choose to not fall into sin, freedom to not bow down to pressures, freedom to resist the devil making him flee from you, freedom to fight, freedom to win.

The freedom of God is the freedom to choose. Imagine the condition of a man before Jesus Christ steps into his life as a Savior. He has problems but no freedom to fight them; he has tensions, but no comfort; he has pressures, but no relief; and what’s more, he does not have the freedom to have any of it.

God Holy Spirit brings with Him the freedom to obtain that which belongs to the child of God. He brings the freedom of being comfortable under pressure, being calm in a storm, being wise in dilemmas, being obedient when tempted, being restful when afraid, and being faithful in trials.

Praise God!!

Freedom of God is freedom to choose. When God Holy Spirit brings freedom, He does not take away the problems. He takes away their ability to affect us. He sets us free from their bondage.

In other words, the change is not outside; it is inside. He changes the way we react to the outside factors. This is when God Holy Spirit transforms and renews our mind; he changes us more into the likeness of the nature of Christ himself. Why else does Paul say of himself that he knows how to live in abundance and in scarcity; because the Holy Spirit has renewed the way he perceives and reacts to his conditions.

God Holy Spirit frees us from what has become the natural way for a man to perceive and react. A woman with a troubled past can live a peaceful and calm life; a family under extreme financial pressure can sing praises to God; a man with a terminal disease can be calm and confidant; a family facing bereavement of a loved one can be in peace; Don’t we see the work of the Blessed Holy Spirit in those lives? Yes, it is the freedom of God working His good works into the lives of His children.


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