Recognizing the Work of God

Have you heard the story of Job? You must've, I'm sure. You also must've noticed that when he was quiet and listening to his friends, he heard all sorts of reasoning and rationale his friends came up with to show him the cause of his troubles. Our lives, at many times, is not very different in this circumstance. While we may be going thru suffering and pain, there would be those around us saying that we may be so terribly in the wrong to be facing such situations. There would be those judging in their hearts (and by their mouths) that this is God's punsihment for our such-and-such action. And then there would be those, who would try to comfort us by saying that we shouldn't worry, and God was trying to teach us something.

Troubles are inescapable. Even the most devoted followers of God Almighty are not spared, and they even more bear the cross. It's no surprise if trouble comes calling at our doors; it is a part of life on earth - the more important thing is who is working in our lives when we are facing our daily battles. Whatever it may be, the question is how do we know that among the trouble and pain, who is at work.
Here is a simple check that the LORD gave me that answers my question.

During the trouble, are you bitter, angry, irate, complaining, muttering, depressed, disappointed, disillusioned, hopeless, feeling unworthy, dissatisfied, etc., - Wake Up! The devil is hammering away at you from all sides.
The wisest decision is to get on your knees, repent, and give yourself at the the mercy-seat of the LORD. He is faithful to forgive and will gladly accept you through His Son, Jesus Christ. That's not all - He will deliver you from all your trouble.

In your time of trouble, are you patient, long-suffering, thankful, kind, singing praises, reminding yourself of His Word, even cheerful and joyful, keeping faith, full of His love, etc., good going! The LORD is working in your life.

The wisest decision is to get on your knees, thank Him and continue to leave yourself in His care till the storm passes. He will carry you on His wings above the flood and you will be held in everlasting arms.

By their fruit, you shall know them.

[written: late evening 10/03/09]


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