Manna Wafers: In Thankfulness

In Thankfulness - Give as you have been given

19 You might be gathering your harvest in the field, and you might forget and leave some grain there. You must not go back to get it. It will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows. If you leave some grain for them, then the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do.
20 When you beat your olive trees, you must not go back to check the branches. The olives you leave will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows.
21 When you gather the grapes from your vineyard, you must not go back to gather the grapes you left. Those grapes will be for the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows.
22 Remember you were poor slaves in Egypt. That is why I tell you to do these things for poor people.
Duet. 24:19-22

Whatever you have left after your needs are met, leave it for the helpless and needy -not only for sharing with needy or for doing your part of the charity, but in thankfulness and remembrance of the God who came down from Heaven to rescue you out of your helpless slavery.

Tithes are of God, and offerings are our sacrifices to our God, and God promises huge returns for both. However, care for the needy and be mindful of them - without any expectation for self - only in meek thankfulness to a Father who is Himself ever-concerned and mindful of your needs.

O Lord, when You have opened the windows of Heaven for me, let me not withhold Your blessings from my brothers and sisters in Christ, who are needy. Bless me that I may ever remember the God who rescued me in my time of trouble and pass on this blessing to others. Bless me that I am not a dead-end to Your blessings but, in thankfulness to you, a channel through which they flow to others and multiply. In Jesus' name, Amen.

[written: 12/06/07]


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