All Will Be Well ...

God will answer my prayers
my hopes will not be in vain
He will wipe away my tears
and take away my pain

His faithfulness is everlasting
unlike the promises of men
so lets make Him our foundation
and choose to trust in Him

He will give me back my lost days
I will see better days yet
my hopes will all be fulfilled
my needs will all be met

He makes grand plans for me
and though I do not see
my God sees everything
all will be well for me

[written: January 2007]


  1. You rightly said, to make GOD our foundation and trust HIM. And I think the day everyone in this world starts thinking this way there won't be any problems left. Majorly it's our patience and insecure feelings that force us to question God that Why are YOU doing this to me. Sometimes we become so biased, I mean when humans in the parent role cannot think any thing bad for their children then how can God, being a Father of the universe do anything wrong to us.

    HE is our creator, HE knows when and what is needed by HIS children, so all we need to do is have faith in HIM, this way HE will also be very happy to know that HIS children understand HIM.

    God Bless !!


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