Faith Nugget: Identify With Your Tree

Just as a man's baby resembles a man, he who is born of the Holy Spirit bears resemblence of the Child of the Holy Spirit - Jesus Christ.

Just as when a man's baby is born, there is no doubt for it is visible, when a man is born again, there is no doubt for it is visible. One knows in oneself!

Just as a baby is compared by its features with its parents, a child of God can be recognized by their features - their fruits!

  • A good fruit shows that the tree it came from is a good tree.

  • A good fruit identifies with its kind of tree.

  • A good fruit must be cut up, cooked, or juiced to be useful; and it does to be of others' benefit.

  • Most importantly, a good fruit carries within it a seed of the tree it came from. When sown, it produces more of it's tree's kind and not it's own.


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