He is with me!

I made a choice to knock on a door not meant for me. He warned me, I did not understand.

I stood outside the door. He stood with me.

I knocked the door, and it didn’t open for me. He stood with me.

I knocked and I knocked. He knocked with me.

The door did not open. I waited. He waited with me.

I waited. He tried to lead me away from the wrong door. I didn’t understand. He waited.

I was knocked down. He was with me.

It was an iron door that refused to relent to my knocking. He was with me.

I knocked the door till I was hurting and bleeding. He knocked for me.

I knocked till was exhausted and weary. He was with me.

I sat by the closed door and waited for 6 years, knocking now and then, wearing myself out. Keeping patience and losing it. He waited with me.

I knocked off and on. He knocked way more than I did – for me.

I refused to budge from the door not meant for me. He stayed.

I didn’t understand anything. He understood everything. Yet, He waited with me.

I saw nothing; heard nothing. He saw and heard everything. Yet, He waited with me.

I believed because of Him. He believed for me.

I felt alone and deserted. Nay! He was with me.

Finally, the door itself broke down. The iron rusted and turned to dust. My hopes of the door ever opening dashed. There was nothing beyond the door. He was with me still.

He led me away from the door. I could not walk. His arms gathered me lovingly, and He carried me.

I needed warmth. He held me close. I needed water. He brought me to a running stream.

In His arms, there was comfort, peace, rest. He sang songs for me: songs of joy, promises and hope.

He tried to make me smile.

He nursed my wounds. He affected ointment to my cuts. He nursed me back to health.

I mourned the closed and shattered door. He sat with me.

He reminded me of His promises. My mourning continued. He sat and waited.

I agonized over the lost door. He held me and waited.

All became dark. He stayed and waited. I was alone. He stayed and waited.

Then, light shone. I saw the light. I didn’t move.

He showed me the light. I didn’t understand.

I didn’t understand. I thought He would build the lost door for me. But, He showed me a new direction.

He waited.

The light increased. I waited for the lost door to appear. It did not. He waited for me.

The time came to walk into the new direction that was lighted up. I didn’t move. He still waited for me.

It was time to walk on. I sat. He stood up, but He stayed.

I looked on with longing for the lost door. He showed me the new direction. I didn’t understand. He waited for me.

I didn’t move into the new direction. He refused to go without me.

I delayed getting up and walking. He waited and added more time for me.

I didn’t see it. He held out His hand towards me. He hoped I would take His hand.

I waited. He didn’t take His hand back. He waited for me.

Finally, He made me look at Him. I saw Him. I saw His face, His love, His wait.

I took His hand. He gave me strength. I got up.

He showed me the new direction again. I saw it.

He led me to take one step towards it. I stepped after Him.

He showed me new colors. I saw them.

He led me to take another step towards them. I stepped after Him.

He showed me new doors. I saw them

He led me to take another step towards them. I hesitated. He waited.

He persuaded me, urged me, gently pulled on my hand, encouraged me. He waited.

He refused to walk ahead without me.

His encouragement to take another step urged me. I stepped after Him.


A new way, new colors, new doors – everything is new! Me too.

He? He is the same. Yesterday, today, forever – He is the same.

Everything changed. He did not.

Everything moved. He did not.

Everything faded. He did not.

Everything crumbled and fell. He did not.

Everyone left. He did not.

No can love me like He did.

Who is He?

He is Jesus Christ – Son of the Living God.

[October 10, 2012]


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