Drive 'em OUT!
There are 2 specific instructions:
- Cut down the forest
- Drive out the Canaanites
Yet, the command – and if we look at it differently – the promise it gives – ‘you shall drive them out’, though they seem more powerful than you.
It requires faith and obedience to believe, to walk out & to do what the Lord says.
A very interesting message here is – ‘you shall drive out the Canaanites’.
- As a promise, it seems the Lord has given the enemy into the hands of the children of Israel & they were enabled to go & conquer.
- As a command, it seems don’t just go to war with them and be satisfied in defeating them. Don’t keep them as slaves in some corner of their land. Don’t truce up with them. ‘Drive them out!’
Drive out is an action verb. To drive someone or something out – is to chase it, beat it, till it is out – out of the place that belongs to us, out of the place rightfully ours, out of the place from where they may influence us or impact us in any way, OUT – that we may no longer dwell with
them, put up with them, or put ourselves in danger of them.
It applies to us now as we deal with – thru Jesus Christ dwelling within us – all things that are unrightfully inside us. Jesus does not put up with them. He is patient with us – but He does not compromise. He just never rests till He drives out the last of the carnal (worldly/fleshly) thing
from inside of us – who rightfully belongs to Him.
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