Meek and Powerful

It’s not easy? Granted. It’s not instant? Agreed. It’s impossible? Nope!

The word of God helps us guard our mouth. The Holy Spirit reminds us. But, we do need to ask His help and depend on Him. Psalm 34 talks about the mouth in two verses.

Ps. 34:13 states that one must keep the tongue from speaking evil and deceit.

Well, that's the challenge! However, the key to this problem lies in the first verse of this Psalm.

In Ps. 34:1, the Psalmist says – ‘I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

It’s tiring to attempt to hold our tongue in our own strength. We have tried and failed. Times innumerable! It only serves to show us how incapable and inefficient we are without God’s help.

James 4:7 states the same principle, the same key - So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.

Submission to God is the key to resisting evil; such that not us, but the devil flees.

Jesus Christ demonstrated this principle in practice in the wilderness, when He was faced with temptations. Each time He displayed how to respond to the tempter. It is equally awesome to see Him put the key to good, proper, and timely use. He depended on the Holy Spirit (Who, by the way, had led Him into the wilderness for this very purpose) and the Word of God. He responded not in His own strength or emotions. He used the scriptures each time. In other words, He submitted to the Lord God and His word. The result was inevitable. The devil fled from Him. [Luke 4:1-13]

It is no wonder that the psalmist places the verses in that particular order. In Ps. 34:1, he blesses the Lord and praises Him continually, in effect (or in doing so, resultantly), he keeps his tongue from evil and deceit.

In Ps. 39:1 David says - ' I said, "I will guard my ways, Lest I sin with my tongue; I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle, While the wicked are before me.'

We see Jesus Christ practising this when He had been arrested and was under trial. Isaiah 53:7 shows us the humble attitude of Jesus - 'He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth.'

He did not give place to complain, anger, frustration by opening His mouth. He remained the Rock that He is. Meek and Powerful.

It is true as Ps. 18:30 says, ‘… the word of the Lord is tested and tried; He is a Shield to those who take refuge and put their trust in Him.


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