Love of Jesus

If I try to visualize it,

I'm limited by what I see.

If I try to think it out then,

Imagination limits me.

Indescribable, unimaginable,

Nothing compares to Your love

Nothing compares, nothing compares,

Nothing compares to Your love, O Jesus,

Nothing compares, nothing at all,

Nothing compares to Your love

Though I want to comprehend it,

My understanding is too small.

When I try to talk about it,

My words can never show it all.

Incomprehensible, unexplainable,

Nothing compares to Your love

Oh! Your love is everlasting,

It gives me life abundantly.

Lord, Your love is never-changing,

I'll love forever You only.

Never-ending, and enduring,

Nothing compares to Your love

'Twas the best thing happ'nd to me,

Oh! when I fell in love with Thee.

I don't even have to earn it,

You love me unconditionally.

Oh so precious, freely given,

Nothing compares to Your love

It was the best Christmas gift I got this year. My Lord gifted me a song that my heart is just SO happy with. This is something I can carry with me to eternity, when I will sing to Him in heaven. I hope I'm a better singer in heaven than I'm on earth :).


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