Exceedingly & Abundantly

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think , according to the power that worketh in us , 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen
Ephesians 3:20

As I proclaimed this verse in prayer, a picture arose in my front of my closed eyes. God Holy Spirit, in His own unique way, showed me what He meant by this verse.
I spoke 'exceedingly' and saw someone lift up, cupping both their hands, something off the ground.
I spoke 'abundantly' and saw him spread his arms out wide.

'Exceeding' means increasing beyond expectation. Abundant means more than sufficient. Yes, God is able to do such feats as this - beyond our highest expectation and more than what we'd ever need. Not only He's able to do it, He's done it already in Jesus Christ, and thru Him on the cross.
Exceedingly Abundant was the sacrifice on the cross.
Exceedingly Abundant is His grace.
Exceedingly Abundant is just too much; more than we'd have room to hold.

What a blessing! That's as blessed as you can get - just too much!


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