You have a Gauge

God is truth, and so is simple. For it’s the lies and deceit that are complex.

Whenever you feel your life getting complex or confusing, use it to gauge your distance from the Lord. Life’s complexities or its simplicity are a meter to check our closeness to Him.

When we are close, His light dispels our darkness. If you can’t see much ahead of you (very normal for a child of God), and it scares you, it may be because you’re standing with your back to the light. If all you can see is shadows, then the light must be right behind you. Just turn around and you will know that your Shepherd is right there. A Shepherd walks in front of His sheep. Just turn from your confusion and follow Him. Turn from what you’re doing and where you are at, and you’ll find Jesus waiting for you. His truth and revelation dispel our lies. He is gracious to let our deceit come to the fore to give us a chance at repentance and forgiveness.

He has the lamp and He willingly shows the way.


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