The Small Door

Like with everyone else, some of his decisions worked to his benefit, and some others did not. That is when he would try every trick in the trade to gain his dream - a life he built on his terms. When he succeeded, he considered it a wise move to have handled things as well as he did. He would imagine himself to have pushed till the road-block was moved by his own strength and might.
As with everything in this world, his enterprise reached a peak and then begun its descent. His wisdom misdirected him, his strength failed him, and his tricks did not work. He even attempted tricks he'd never tried before, but the dying can scarcely be revived by human effort. Though he did not give up easily and fought on every step and every side, failure gained on him like an old enemy seeking vengeance.
At last, wounded on all sides and beaten to dust, he gave up his fight. Too weary to move on, too discouraged to start over, he just waited as life moved him by. The very ground beneath his feet crumbled and his castle seemed to be built upon sand. There was no foothold wherever he looked. No escape.
In desperation he looked skyward and screamed, 'Oh God! Help!'.
As though in response to his call, he saw a small door opened. It wasn't opened a little; it was wide open. He couldn't see much through. Too small to enter in, he would have to squeeze himself through, he thought. Disappointment greeted him at the way his one request to the Almighty One of the Universe was met with the smallest door possible. Was it even worth the effort? Would he not just lie down and wait a bit longer and perhaps, He would open a bigger door?
It may have been just hope, just a smallest glimmer of hope, that urged him on. Now hesitating now cautious, he fumbled towards the small door. The knees required bending, the hands needed the support of the ground, and shoulders, that once stood proud, must now be pulled together. And the door was entered humbly.
All at once, he saw a Treasure, just by the door. He liked it. He took some. When others inside saw him with the Treasure, they smiled. He made friends. People knew him. He became known. He found the fame. But when he compared it to the Treasure by the small door, he saw it uncomparable. He preferred the Treasure. He turned to see the door and appreciated that it opened for him.
As he moved on, he traversed that country. He became more knowledgeable. People came to him for advice and learning. He found popularity. When he compared it with the Treasure by the door, he saw it was not worth it. He'd rather have that Treasure. He turned to see the door and appreciated that it opened for him.
The advice he gave brought good results when followed. He soon saw that he was respected. His name was being honored, and with it, the fame grew. And then, when he compared it to the Treasure by the door, once again, he found that it still lacked the lustre in comparison. He still wanted the Treasure more than anything else. He turned to see the door and appreciated that it opened for him.
He commanded fame, popularity, knowledge, respect - but what was it worth without that Treasure by the small door that opened for him. He yearned for more and more. He wondered why was such a wonderful Treasure kept by the door. He would willingly give up all just to have that Treasure.
And then light shone upon him. And he said - I'd willingly give up all fame, respect and knowledge for this Treasure. Why did You delay so to bring me to it? If You'd opened that door for me earlier, I'd have never fallen and failed!
And he was answered - The door was always open for you, My son. But many things clouded your vision. When those things fell away, you were able to see it.
He responded - I'm sorry I was so lost in things of no value. But now, I have found the true Treasure. I'm thankful that You looked upon me and showed me the door when I called You.
And he was answered - I looked upon you before you were born. Do you still not know that it is I who built your life? I chose this Treasure to be given to you. I have orchestrated and constructed every part of your life. I brought you, so that you would have your heart's desires. I have seen you eternally and will see you forevermore. I have loved you eternally and will love you forevermore.
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Jesus Christ is the greatest treasure of heaven that is given to us the moment we enter the door opened by Father God for us. An endless Treasure - the more you have, the more you want and the more you can still receive. Forever thank and praise your eternal Father, my soul, Who worked such mighty wonders in your life that are beyond understanding and beyond reason. Who can understand His eternal wisdom that wrought a heaven on earth - His presence - through His love.
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