Lo and Behold

lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.
Matt. 28:20
The last words of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of Matthew before He ascended to Heaven. I always thought that the crux lay in the portion after the comma - 'I'm with you till the end of the world'. Recently, Jesus opened my eyes to the word I'd missed in giving importance.
'Lo' - The Mirriam Webster dictionary states that this is an interjection that is used to express wonder or surprise.
Why would I be surprised when He's said that He'd be with me forever? It seems I would be. He says so. and He is right. Every time He turns up, He surprises me. In situations where I feel He isn't even looking my way, leave alone doing something, He surprises me by showing that He's not only there but actively participating and controlling things for me. When I'm down and upset, He surprises me with a small word, or a secret I didn't know, or a story that He builds for me. When I'm scared by a nightmare, He surprises me by showing up at my bedside, reminding me He's there.
Yes, He interjects my life with His presense. He interjects my mess with His peace. He interjects my dirt with His holiness.
Every word of the Lord is worth noticing. If I ever dare miss, He interjects it with His light and surprises me. Why would I ever be surprised? For He is actually there with me, just like He said.
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