My Way - HighWay!!

... "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, ..."
Luke 12:22

Ah! Priceless words. Do not worry!

The Lord has paved the road. He has got an expensive car. The fuel tank is full to the overflowing levels. The tyres are new. The engine is cutting edge. The traffic is one way. He's also got me a driver. There is a nice lush backseat where I can stretch my legs as I take the ride of my life back home.

But no! what about that shady tree on the side of the road! It'd be great if I could just rest under it. This road is so long, it seems endless. And oh! that car that other guy has looks comfy. My clothes! They aren't travel worthy; they'll just be spoiled by the long haul. And food? Aren't we going to stop over at some nice restaurents on the way? What about all of my nice suitcases I'm having to let go just to take this ride?

Do not worry!

Isn't it miserable to worry about small nothings when everything is already provided for me? The Lord's intention was that He'd free me up from the nasty nothings so that the one goal of my life would be clear to me - getting back home. Safely.

He tells us to let go, because lugging extra baggage does not get us more points in heaven. It prevents us from getting into heaven.
He calls out to us to give Him our burden, because we wouldn't need those burdens in heaven.
He reassures us that all is provided for at the required time, because He knows our needs.
He has provided for more than we can know because without those things we'd never make it to heaven.

No. The Lord's intent was to free us up so that we could travel light, fast and safe. Even now, He's telling us to let go, free up and get back on track. Get back on the highway. It's hassle-free. There are no jams; and you needn't make any. All hinderences and barriers are taken away. The moment you hit something that threatens to be a road block, hand it to the Lord, believe that it'll be taken away at the right time and continue your way.

The Spiritual race was never meant to be an obstacle race, that you'd need to worry about getting over, or through, or under or around. It's a marathon - just keep going steadily - nothing in your way - full tilt and focussed.

[written: 08/05/09]


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