It's a matter of perspective!

... "Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me."
Luke 15:12

We still do it, don't we? When we look at the prodigal, we shake our heads at him and sometimes, smile knowingly.
But, we still do it, don't we?

We go up to our Father and tell Him to 'give me my share' - my dreams, my prayers, my requests, my wants, my wishes. The endless list of 'my things' is our first priority.

Lord, give my job, then I will help others get a job.

Lord, give me my family, then I will spend my life in your service.

Lord, give me a good paycheck, then I will take care of those who are needy.

Lord, get me out of debt, then I will pray for others who are in debt.

Lord, You hear my prayer, then I will share Your testimony in my church

Father, give me my share.Now, the Father is not averse to hearing our prayers, listening to our wish list, and giving us our share. It's just that His perspective is a bit different.

"But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you."Luke 12:31

That's how Jesus went - the beloved Son of the Father. The perspective of the Father is different. Till we move on from 'my things' to 'His things', we are liable to hit emptiness sooner or later. (Besides, it is a wonder how I could ask my share from all what belongs to Him.)

The problem is that our perspective is fixed at our share, but our Father's perspective is fixed at us. If we want the great things of His kingdom, we can't be a tourist; we need citizenship. A citizen has responsibilities.

So go ahead - share His testimony, pray for others who are in debt, take care of the needy, spend your life in His service, and help others - and all things will be added to you.


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