The Called and the Chosen

For many are called, but few are chosen.

Matthew 22:14

The difference between the Called and the Chosen is as big as the chasm between life and death. Though the Chosen are from among the Called, a door separates the Called and the Chosen; the door that encloses the wedding feast of the Lamb of God and that shuts out the everlasting weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The Called are invited; the Chosen are getting there.

The Called gathered in the King's palace on His Son's wedding without wedding garments; the Chosen got there dressed for the party.

The Called were complacent, neglecting to get the oil for their lamps; the Chosen were ready, alert, and excited for the Groom's return and went in to celebrate with Him.

The Called get the response that the Groom truly does not know them; the Chosen are welcomed as the Father's beloved to the feast He prepared for them.

The door stands open and the Bridegroom is ready for coming. You are called, make sure you are chosen. Be it your wedding garments, the oil for your lamps, or being known by Jesus - do it now. Accept the invitation of Jesus if you have not and get ready to reach the celebration feast of the Lamb's wedding.

The Father awaits you.


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