
Showing posts from June, 2011

Test of Fire? Testify!

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! He is our ever-present fortress! It is true that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had displayed great faith in the LORD in the king’s court. They had themselves embraced the sentence for them to be thrown into fire. Seven times hotter! They were bound and with their clothes and turbans, they were flung into the fire. Dan.3:22 states that the strongest men of the king’s army who bound and threw the trio were engulfed in flames and were killed, because the fire was seven times hotter, according to the king’s order. However, just two verses later, the king ‘jumped up’ ‘astounded’ that his captives were not only unbound, but were walking in the fire! The men of faith did not cease to keep their faith in the midst of fire, seven times hotter. Many of us proclaim our faith when things are going good, but just as many do not know how they will react when the actual time of displaying and walking in faith comes upon them. It is not uncommon tha...