Focus. Recharge. ACTION!

John 6:15 When Jesus, knowing that they meant to come and seize Him that they might make Him king, withdrew again to the hillside by Himself alone.
16 When evening came, His disciples went down to the sea.
17 And they took a boat and were going across the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and still Jesus had not [yet] come back to them.
18 Meanwhile, the sea was getting rough and rising high because of a great and violent wind that was blowing.
19 [However] when they had rowed three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and approaching the boat. And they were afraid [terrified].
20 But Jesus said to them, It is I; be not afraid! [I AM; stop being frightened!]

John 6:15-20, Amplified Bible

In John 5: 41, Jesus says to the Jews that He sought not the fame among men. The Amplified Bible states: ‘I receive not glory from men [I crave no human honor, I look for no mortal fame],’

In John 6:15, He proves what He says. Father God had a plan, a purpose for Jesus; a call on His life. He had to be the anointed Lamb of God who would take away the world’s sin and relieve humanity from its curse. He is most definitely our King; He was always meant to be; however, not in His life on earth. The people would have made Him King, following the miracle they’d just seen. If we read through John 6:11-13, we’ll find the famous miracle of Jesus feeding 5000 men from a little boy’s meal. When they saw what Jesus could perform for them, they wanted to make Him King.

Jesus perceived this. And, He responded in the way that only He could! He ‘departed again into a mountain himself alone.’ Believers who know Jesus have come to expect Jesus to do something that no one would even dream of.

Jesus talked about the kingdom of Heaven ever so often; His teachings fully showed His focus on the Kingdom. Yet, when people came to make Him King, He withdrew. He knew He was God’s anointed King. He knew that He was the promised son of David to whom God would give David’s throne forever. But, He withdrew. If one would only see the outside, one could never fathom that Jesus was really being true to His Kingdom.

What Jesus experienced right then was something we all experience as well (even if most of us do not notice). The people would have made Him King, but it would have been man’s way, not God’s way. We’re surrounded by people who want us to do what they feel is right for us and for them. Most often, we succumb.

Following these people, we either move away or delay our destiny and our call. What they want us to do may be right, but it may not be God’s way or His timing. If Jesus had allowed them to do as they wanted, it would’ve been a roadblock in His path that was prepared by Father God for Him. He dared not venture to the right or to the left from it. He perceived something coming towards Him that would move Him out of God’s will for His earthly mission, and He swerved skillfully to avoid it. He did not meet it; He did not fight it. He simply resisted it. He did not stay to help people understand the reasons for His decision. He knew they would not get it. He stayed true to His course. Eventually, fulfilling God’s purpose.

How Jesus handled it is simple; He departed by Himself to a mountain.

When He went off alone to the mountain, what do we suppose He was doing? Well, as was His custom, He usually went off alone. He prayed. He reported for duty and got His instructions. He spoke to God of His thoughts and feelings. He poured out His soul to the Father and allowed Him to refill His Son. In one word, He ‘recharged’.

The second part of this story, the continuance of the events of the same day, were impossible for me to overlook when I was learning about the John 6:15.

While Jesus was away at the mountain, His disciples went off in a boat to the sea. (following His orders for moving on [Matthew 14:22], for some reason not mentioned in the Scripture). So, anyhow, off they went and there was a storm. They’d gone 3-4 miles when they saw Jesus coming towards them, walking on the water. This is comforting, first; because, even if I walk on without Him, He makes it a point to find me, even if He has to walk through a storm, doing something only He can do, to get me to safety.

Jesus was walking on water. I don’t think that the wind was not blowing His hair in His face, billowing His robe all about. I don’t think that the rising waves were not splashing their water on Him, drenching Him to the skin. I don’t think it was an easy walk in the park. But, for some reason, we do not see Jesus being bothered by all that. He wasn’t fighting a contrary wind and a tossed about sea. He wasn’t rebuking the devil for the storm and the situation in which He’s found Himself and His disciples. He was calm. He simply walked to the boat that was carrying His friends.

This seems very outrageous. Well, it should; it is a miracle. We do not see people walking on water, especially when it is stormy, just to get to their friends.

But, being focused on your target and spending time with God for ‘recharging’ enables you to do things that seem impossible. Jesus Himself said to His disciples that they’d do greater works than He did. Believers in Christ not only can walk on stormy water, they are expected to find it normal. Their Master did it, and passed on His legacy to them. They do have to follow in their Master’s footsteps. When you find yourself in a storm, do what Jesus did. Spend time with God, get recharged, be calm, and do what you’re supposed to do. There is no point trying to fight wind and water. Our Master has control over them [Matthew 8:26]. Our Master is in control over our situation and circumstances [John 16:33]. If He thought that they were harmful for us, He’d command them to be peaceful. If He does not, He knows better, and we need to trust and obey.

When His disciples saw Him, they thought they’d seen a ghost. Yes, that will happen. If you do what Jesus did, remain charged and calm, people around you who see you will think it unnatural. It is unnatural for a man to be calm in the storm.

Matthew 14:28 records that Peter, upon finding it was Jesus, wanted to walk on water too. Yes, that will happen too. When people see you a calm person even in the tough times of your life, walking it through, they’ll want to be like you, to have what you have, to be able to do what you do. When you follow God’s purpose and predefined plan for your life, you will encourage others to do the same.

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