In this Likeness of Christ

Everyday I prayed that the Lord, through His Holy Spirit, would make me more and more into the likeness of Christ. After all, I've heard it said several times that Jesus is the standard for us; that we must be like Him, or atleast strive to be like Him.
I think I may have said it one too many times, so the Lord God decided to clarify the understanding.
"If I wanted to make duplicates of Jesus, I would've made them. Jesus is who He is because He obeyed Me - He became what I wanted Him to be. Being in His likeness means that you be what I want to be. If I wanted you to be a copy of Jesus, why would I make you unique? Just like everyone else? I've made you all unique because I want each of you as I want you to be. You all have a personality and a function in the body of Christ like no one else. Even Jesus said that you'll do greater things than Him. Being in the likeness of Jesus means being obediant like Him into becoming what I want you to be, what I concieved you for, what I have designed you to be."
Praise God.
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