
Showing posts from April, 2009

Jesus' Reign: All or Nothing

Jesus once taught me – Just because you hear My voice often, do not think that you’re walking right with Me. I will follow you into your chosen paths until you decide to turn back to Me and I take you home. You must take time to stand and look around, and check if you really are walking with Me, or is it Me following you. This bit of information had me thinking; there is a difference in me following God and God following me. Often, I tell myself that I’m walking alright because I’m able to hear Jesus nearby. But, it may be Jesus following me, rather than the other way round. Like He said, I must stop and look around to check where I am and if I really am where He wants me to be. Last December, I was visiting a family, a Christian family. It was past Christmas, but celebrations were still in the air. While we sat praying together, the Lord Jesus spoke to me good words about this family’s faithfulness, and showed me a vision that He stood outside the door of their house. I asked the Lord...

The Called and the Chosen

For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14 The difference between the Called and the Chosen is as big as the chasm between life and death. Though the Chosen are from among the Called, a door separates the Called and the Chosen; the door that encloses the wedding feast of the Lamb of God and that shuts out the everlasting weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Called are invited; the Chosen are getting there. The Called gathered in the King's palace on His Son's wedding without wedding garments; the Chosen got there dressed for the party. The Called were complacent, neglecting to get the oil for their lamps; the Chosen were ready, alert, and excited for the Groom's return and went in to celebrate with Him. The Called get the response that the Groom truly does not know them; the Chosen are welcomed as the Father's beloved to the feast He prepared for them. The door stands open and the Bridegroom is ready for coming. You are called, make sure you are chosen. Be it ...

Manna Wafers: Worshipping in Spirit and Truth

[23] But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. [24] God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:23-24 For the longest time, I thought that worshipping was what we did in the church when we are led by the worship leaders in singing hymns, dancing a bit, raising arms and yelling Halleluiyahs! If in my heart I felt that worship must be something more than this, I had probably managed to quench that thought. Then last year, God decided to gently take away my blindness. There was worshipping going on in my church and everyone was busy singing their hearts out. I'm blessed with a church that is full of blessed singers, and I was trying to keep up in the best way I can. In my heart of hearts I heard a small whisper that I could've even dismissed as a distraction - 'Be quiet!' I frowned. I doubted. Be quiet? Aren't I supp...

Faith Nugget: Identify With Your Tree

Just as a man's baby resembles a man, he who is born of the Holy Spirit bears resemblence of the Child of the Holy Spirit - Jesus Christ. Just as when a man's baby is born, there is no doubt for it is visible, when a man is born again, there is no doubt for it is visible. One knows in oneself! Just as a baby is compared by its features with its parents, a child of God can be recognized by their features - their fruits! A good fruit shows that the tree it came from is a good tree. A good fruit identifies with its kind of tree. A good fruit must be cut up, cooked, or juiced to be useful; and it does to be of others' benefit. Most importantly, a good fruit carries within it a seed of the tree it came from. When sown, it produces more of it's tree's kind and not it's own.

Have you ever danced with Jesus?

I would have long been lost, if Jesus was not there to hold me. I would have fallen down the ditch of depression, nervous breakdown, and even madness, if only the Savior had not held me up in His arms like a father cradles his newborn - delicately, not harming, and ever so careful. Not for a minute did He put me down; not for a second did He take His eyes off me. When I was struggling with pain even in raising my arms in prayer, He held me close to His heart, giving me His comfort. What more do you, my soul, need to reaffirm His love? Hasn't He been carrying you when you could not walk? Hasn't He been watching you with unsleeping eyes when you slept? Didn't you sleep better because He gave you His rest? It sometimes gives me great joy, and sometimes great wonder, and sometimes great tears of thankfulness when I sit down to think, that my Father in Heaven never sleeps - just so He could be with me. He Never sleeps? Can you imagine, my heart, what it must be like to never sle...