Perfect love casts out fear

I've learnt something about love. Love does not cause us to be weak. It makes us strong. The perfect love of the Father God makes us strong. It brings us life, joy and strength. When we love others with that love, we are strengthened within ourselves. The Word of God says - I do not have a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Problems and disagreements may arise. People are not perfect. Not even that someone special in one's life. But love overlooks. Love conquers the imperfections. No love is not blind. But love is light. When one looks at another under the perfect light of love, all things fall into the perfect perspective. Wrongs are covered, forgiven, and forgotten. Love makes it easy to forgive. Love makes it easy to move on. Love makes everything clear. Decisions come easy, and one is confident that they did right. No matter how a situation turns out, when what we do is done is love, outcome is good. Father God blesses an action done out of lov...