Ten Commandments

A few months back, I’d put in an entry in this journal about breaking down and building up. The Lord is faithful to His promise, as ever, and ever since His work is in progress in my life. During this time, He has taken me through many turns, slope-downs, steep-ups, plateaus and peaks. Every time I learned something about me, something about the conditions, and most preciously, something about Him. That third part was actually the best part of the deal. During these wonderful pathways, the following road signs came up. Mostly, dealing with me, in my areas of improvements. Beautiful insights all of them; and each brought to me wrapped in the most mysterious ways. Here they are for your reference. If you happen to pass by them, you’ll know He’s dealing with you as lovingly as He did with me. (Warning: He does chastise the child He loves. Expect it!) 1. Thou shalt not judge. 2. Thou shalt not condemn. (The first two includes me too; I’m not to judge or condemn myself; it includes hitting...